Health Care Power of Attorney
Getting Rid of the Pain with Fibro
The word “fibromyalgia” might not mean that much to you, but don’t tell that to someone troubled with this condition. Fibro sufferers report chronic, achy muscular pain in numerous specific yet widely dispersed sites, predominantly the lower back, neck, shoulders, where the arm bends, upper chest and/or knees. While the precise cause of fibromyalgia remains unsure, data suggests that the immune system is involved.
TMJ Pain … Be Gone…
I had a patient that was going to cancel her appointment with me because she had a terrible pains in her jaw. Having her mouth open for an extended period of time in the dentist’s chair can cause that. She was afraid that being face down on an exam table would not be the best idea at this time. You see, she was diagnosed with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) by her dentist and her endodontist.
What is TMJ?
Hip, ribs, jaw and more
Get your whole body back in alignment
When you feel aches and pains and suspect that your body is just not right, give Dr. Altman a call. He has been successful in alleviating pain caused by various kinds of skeletal issues. A chronic headache could be a sign that your neck that is out of place. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can be be mis-aligned and cause a great deal of pain around the jaw. Difficulty breathing and pain around the ribcage can be a sign the the ribs are out of place. These are just a few of the problems that the Doc has helped people with in his practice. Lydia’s case is a clear example of how accidents can cause multiple injuries all at once: